Speaking Truth to Power

Protect Sudbury reached another milestone on Friday, in the fight against Eversource’s ill-conceived, and unnecessary project. Protect Sudbury attorney, Richard Kanoff, filed our initial brief  (read it here in its entirety: Protect Sudbury_Initial Brief (EFSB 17-02) ) with the Energy Facilities Siting Board, essentially the ‘closing arguments’ in our case. Each of the intervenors filed such briefs, … Read more

Op Ed: Utilities outdated “solutions” don’t fix todays energy needs

Throughout our region, Eversource continues to promote the use of 19th century thinking to solve 21st century problems. Rather than embrace the technological innovations now available to meet our energy needs, they continue to impose their corporate will on communities simply because it’s more profitable for them and their shareholders. Locally, Eversource’s latest such attempt … Read more