Keep our Wetlands Wonderful

The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value. -Theodore Roosevelt, 1907 Walk along the MBTA right of way west from Dutton Road and the tree-lined pathway quickly transports you into a different world with sights and … Read more

For the forest

When it comes to Eversource’s Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Reliability Project proposal, we’re fighting against a corporate giant with deep pockets, rooms full of lawyers, and a laser focus on its bottom line. In this context, it’s easy to fall into the trap of concentrating on what we’re fighting against.  It’s natural to be against hundred foot monopoles … Read more

A Hollow Ring

The euphemistically named “Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Reliability Project,” has provided us with plenty of opportunity to get to know Eversource in the last month or so. Their powerpoint presentations online and in community meetings are slick and shiny with references to concern for community and environmental impact. Their vegetation management plan runs over a hundred pages and talks … Read more