Protect Sudbury on WCVB’s Chronicle
Helpful documents:
MEPA studies of known and potential historic and archeological sites along the entire length of the ROW. Document 1, Document 2
The Energy Facilities Siting Board – The Siting Board is a nine- member review board charged with ensuring a reliable energy supply for the Commonwealth with a minimum impact on the environment at the lowest possible cost. Read their Handbook for an overview of the process.
Acadia Center report highlighting concerns with the ISO-NE process and underbidding by energy companies
Please read the FAQ
Eversource/NSTAR 5 year Vegetation Management Plan – Eversource describes the processes they use to to keep rights of way clear of all trees and vegetation by mechanical (mowers and whole tree processors) as well as chemical (herbicides) controls.
Residents Protest NStar’s “Scorched Earth” Tree Clearing – This is not the first time Sudbury has had issues with Eversource (formerly known as NStar). We know Eversource is a bad corporate neighbor – their actions speak for themselves. We know what is ahead if we don’t fight this unnecessary project.
Siting council rejects new Greenwich substation – There is hope – see this article about how the Connecticut Siting Council, an equivalent to the MA Energy Facilities Siting Board, sided against a utility company in favor of residents.
Alternative MA Suppliers to Eversource Energy
Relocation Form – Note that proximity to Power Lines is a checklist item. How will this affect our property values?
Necessity of Transmission Upgrades? – From
Ensuring that the lights stay on is critical, but this goal should not translate into a blank check for utilities. The way electricity transmission is planned and nanced does not work in the best interest of consumers, but does motivate utilities to maximize spending on transmission. The system is broken: New England consumers are paying rich rewards to transmission companies for billions of dollars of infrastructure while lower cost solutions are not being utilized.
Sudbury Water District 2015 Report Some Important takeaways from this report:
- All of our wells are located in aquifers with a high vulnerability to contamination due to the absence of hydrogeologic barriers (clay) that can prevent contamination migration.
- The water delivered to your home does not necessarily originate at a single point but rather is a blend of a number of our wells.
- Keeping water safe is a community effort, remember to always properly dispose of hazardous materials including unused medications. Anything that is flushed down the toilet or dumped into a storm drain or stream will infiltrate into the groundwater and could negatively affect the environment and possibly our water supply.
- Because Sudbury Water District operates under one large distribution system, it would not be possible to pinpoint an individual’s water supply to one specific well. All water eventually mixes within the water mains. In addition, it would depend on which wells were being run. In the fall, winter, and early spring months we generally run two or three wells per day. In the summer months we run all of our wells at all times to keep up with the demand.
Brewster joins anti-spray crusade
How Irvine Became SoCal’s First Non-Toxic City: We are not alone in our concern about the chemicals Eversource uses for vegetation management. Article about Irvine, CA going non-toxic after suspected cancer cluster.
How dangerous are induced currents in transmission towers and poles?
Site Evaluation Committee pushes back Northern Pass deadline to September 2017
Property Value Impacts
How dangerous are induced currents in transmission towers and poles?
Site Evaluation Committee pushes back Northern Pass deadline to September 2017