Environment News, June 9, 2016

Since the last newsletter, we have redoubled our efforts to reach out to environmental groups for their support. We recently met with George Bachrach of the Environmental League of Massachusetts, who offered extremely valuable advice on how to effectively rally support for our important cause. Using his outreach experience, Mr. Bachrach helped us refine our approach to various public officials, including Secretary of the Executive Office for Environmental Affairs, Matthew Beaton. With this in mind, we have also connected with more members of the Mass. Chapter of the Sierra Club, and Brad Campbell, President of the Conservation Law Foundation. We stressed the fact that our cause extends beyond Sudbury and is aimed at reforming a process that grossly neglects environmental considerations across our region. The entire utility siting process is broken and favors the utility companies and in particular, their costs, but not the cost to us. In response, all of these distinguished environmental group leaders have committed to writing us letters of support. With that in mind, we are beginning to look at pending legislation that addresses some of these issues and have circled back with each of the environmental organizations to seek out their enthusiastic support for these bills. I you would like to volunteer and help the environmental research group email us here: environment@protecsudbury.org