Three bills filed in the 2017 legislative session are designed to improve the process of siting transmission lines. Two more relate to the application of herbicides near drinking water supply.
The 3 siting board bills are:
- HD.1297: (Rep. Day) “An Act Relative to the Energy Facilities Siting Board” (criteria to consider community and environmental cost, involve Fish&Game and Public Health)
- HD.1301: (Rep. Day) “An Act relative to reasonable municipal expenses” (make energy companies reimburse municipalities for e.g. legal expenses involved in siting process)
- HD.2672: (Rep. Gentile) “An Act relative to the placement of overhead transmission lines” (ban placement of new overhead transmission lines in the fall zone of homes)
The 2 herbicide bills are:
- SD.1259 (Sen. Cyr) “An Act relative to vegetation management” (offer no-spray agreement through Water District)
- SD.1841 (Sen. Cyr) “An Act relative to the pesticide board” (involve Food & Agriculture, DEP, Public Health in decision)
Poor energy planning and a siting process which is slanted in favor of energy companies, are systemic problems that need to be fixed. This recent blog post, Eversource: The Big Picture, highlights the many communities fighting Eversource transmission line projects across the region. Together, we can influence policy to better balance energy and the environment. Thanks.
Bill Schineller,
Protect Sudbury, Government Lead